Partners for Innovation strengthens management team

Partners for Innovation has adapted the management structure to be well prepared for future developments. In addition to Peter Vissers as general director, Ingeborg Gort as strategic director and Peter Karsch as financial director are now part of the management team. Further professionalization of the organization is necessary to ensure a smooth growth of our services and the number of employees.
Last fall we celebrated our 15th anniversary as a sustainable consultancy. Partners for Innovation was founded at a time when the circular economy and sustainable land use received much less attention and the rapid rise of renewable energy had yet to begin.
Today, the non-commitment is gone, the three themes are high on the political agenda and have penetrated the boardrooms of large companies. The motives of the five partners, joint shareholders of the company, have always remained the same: to support organizations and companies in a pleasant working environment in setting up and implementing projects with a positive impact on people, nature, the environment and the economy.
Gradual growth
The demand for our expertise in the transition to a sustainable and circular society is increasing. In the Netherlands, we mainly focus on sustainable packaging, circular plastics and electronics, and on nature policy and biodiversity. In Sub-Saharan Africa, the emphasis is on renewable energy – solar, microgrids and sustainable bio-energy – and sustainable agricultural projects. In recent years, we have gradually grown in the Netherlands to 23 employees, a balanced mix of juniors, mediors and seniors. This organic growth is deliberate because we prioritize personal cooperation with our customers.
The new management team reflects this development. On the one hand, growth makes it necessary and possible to guarantee continuity, further professionalization and standardization of internal processes. On the other hand, all partners want to remain active in the field. The three partners who now form the management team do so for part of their time. In addition, they actively participate in projects, divided over the three working areas Circular Economy, Renewable Energy and Sustainable Land Use.
Implementation projects
The future strategy will be worked out in the coming period. The central question is how and how fast the changes in the market will proceed and how we can anticipate and respond to them. We foresee a gradual broadening of our consultancy work to the implementation of investment projects. These work areas can reinforce each other if you know how they influence each other. Moreover, it is inspiring to actually be part of the transition. A first example of this is the acquisition with partners of a pellet factory in South Africa. In this factory, invasive trees and plants that threaten the water supply and nature are shredded and pressed into wood chips and pellets. As a co-owner, we are responsible for the ins and outs of the factory as well as for the supply of the biomass and the sale of the pellets and wood chips.
Growth in Niger
Our office in Niger has experienced strong growth. Thanks to two major projects – the improvement of tiger nut production and Hortihub, a training center for young farmers – the number of local employees was able to grow from 6 to 15. This office functions independently, but receives support from the Netherlands in raising awareness and applying for of project financing.
For more information, please contact Peter Vissers, Ingeborg Gort or Peter Karsch.
photo: from left Peter Karsch, Ingeborg Gort, Peter Vissers
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