Overview of
Publications and Blog posts

Blog  06-12-2024 Carbon removal Blog 6: Draft certification elements voor soil carbon

The European Commission is currently working on the first EU-wide voluntary framework for the certification of high-quality carbon removals. This>>>

Blog  23-09-2024 Carbon Removal blog 5- The need for a new European certification system

Why is a new certification system for carbon removal and carbon farming necessary for the European Union?  Jasmijn Sybenga  Since>>>

Blog  23-09-2024 Carbon Removal blog 4- The value of certification 

Carbon removal certification refers to the process of officially recognizing and validating initiatives or projects that remove carbon from the>>>

Blog  23-09-2024 Carbon removal blog 3- The benefits of nature-based carbon removal 

Within the consortium that's working on an EU-wide voluntary framework for certifying carbon removal and carbon farming, we focus in>>>

Blog  23-09-2024 Carbon removal blog 2- The fight against climate change

Since 2023, I have been working with colleagues from Partners for Innovation, Wageningen Environmental Research, DG CLIMA and experts from>>>

Blog  09-08-2024 Peatlands blog 3 – Scottish peatland first to be named World Heritage Site 

The peatlands of the “Flow Country” in the north of Scotland was awarded World Heritage status at the end of>>>

Blog  20-09-2023 Carbon Removal blog 1- Best practices in nature based carbon removal

By far the most existing methods for certifying natural CO2 storage relate to agriculture. Forestry accounts for more than a>>>

Blog  09-09-2023 Peatlands blog 2: Power2Peatlands

Today is the kick-off of the Power to the Peatlands conference hashtag#Power2Peatlands in Antwerp, Belgium. This last gathering for the>>>

Blog  04-05-2023 Peatlands blog 1 -“We know the surface of the moon better than we know peatlands” – R. Lindsay

Last week I was in Berlin at the LIFE platform meeting The benefits of peatland restoration for Europe. The meeting>>>

Publications  30-11-2021 A palaeoecological investigation of woodlands

During the 1980s and the early 1990s areas of peatland in northern Scotland have been extensively covered with non-native conifer>>>