Overview of

03 05 2024 Key impact case: Unlocking the potential of biomass in a sustainable way

According to SBP, an independent certification scheme for biomass used in large-scale energy production, Coega Biomass Centre is one of the key impact cases for…

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12 03 2024 Chat with Flora Poppelaars about INCREACE-project

How can you engage end users in the transition process to use more recycled electrical and electric products? This is the main topic of the …

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18 12 2023 Designing valuable GOODbyes: A review of state-of-the-art ‘Design for Divestment

At the PLATE 2023 Conference in Espoo, Finland from  31 May - 2 June 2023, Flora Poppelaars and Tim de Ruiter presented a paper about…

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29 08 2023 INCREACE: Circular Society

“We should not assume that people will automatically participate in circular innovations", Flora Poppelaars and Jos Vlugter said in an interview about the INCREACE-project to…

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22 08 2023 Creating circular business models through design

Currently, the earth ecosystem and environmental governance are faced with severe challenges and thus the call for a transition to a circular economy is growing…

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09 05 2023 LCA Quickscan flower and plant sleeves

Sleeves for packaging flowers and plants are best made of paper and preferably recycled paper. For plastic covers, the use of recycled material and post-life…

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09 12 2022 SUP assessment framework for packaging

In the Advice Decision-trees for SUP Regulation we have developed a SUP assessment framework for packaging: food containers, packets and wrappers, cups for beverages and…

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13 12 2021 A Chemicals Perspective on Designing with Sustainable Plastics

The development of plastic products does not systematically take sustainability into account. A chemicals perspective is even more exceptional. By applying a chemicals lens during…

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30 11 2021 A palaeoecological investigation of woodlands

During the 1980s and the early 1990s areas of peatland in northern Scotland have been extensively covered with non-native conifer plantations which drastically affected the…

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20 09 2021 Biomass potential in Côte d’Ivoire

Côte d’Ivoire has significant potential for utilizing agricultural residues in the cashew, cassava, cocoa, palm oil, and rubber value chains in a productive and responsible…

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07 09 2021 Action Plan “Increasing the use of recycled plastics“

The Action  Plan “Increasing the use of recycled plastics“ aims to secure the coherence between the many initiatives, and at the same time drives forward…

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15 08 2021 Seeing the Woods for the Trees

Jasmijn Sybenga performed a palaeoecological investigation of past woodlands to inform present and future woodland conservation management strategies in northern Scotland. The study 'Seeing the…

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25 04 2021 Jobs and social stability for the youth of Niger

The Niger network started in 2009 and has seen its ups and downs in the past 11 years. The 70 organisations that attended the kick-start…

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15 12 2020 Let it go

Designing the Divestment of Mobile Phones in a Circular Economy from a User Perspective, This research addresses two modes of consumption to achieve the return…

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27 11 2020 Biomass beneficiation has huge potential for South Africa

In an exclusive interview in Afrika's Power Journal ESI Africa, Emiel Hanekamp shares his insights on the new Coega Biomass Centre and the biomass opportunities…

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09 10 2020 Inspiration document: ‘Towards a sustainable pharmaceutical value chain

The Inspiration document: ‘Towards a sustainable pharmaceutical value chain ’ aims to provide inspiration and motivation for the sector by outlining current developments in this…

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22 02 2020 Creating jobs and value from woody biomass residues in South Africa

Partners in Business: South Africa & the Netherlands working together towards integral solutions.  Six companies - Partners for Innovation,Yilkins, Finco Fuel, African Clean Energy, Control Union and Futerra Fuels - have…

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19 06 2019 Feasibility study and action plan for small wind turbines in Benin

Partners for Innovation carried out a feasibility study for the production of parts for small wind turbines in South Benin.  

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19 06 2019 Feasibility study of the institutional biogas program in Ghana

Commissioned by the Ghana Energy Commission, Partners for Innovation carried out a feasibility study into setting-up an institutional biogas program in Ghana.

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10 10 2018 Products that Flow – English edition

‘Products that Flow’, circular business models and design strategies for fast-moving consumer goods. On the 4th of October 2018 the book ‘Products that Flow’ by…

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26 06 2017 Silicone cartridges in the plastics cycle

Partners for Innovation was involved in a chain project for finding solutions for silicone cartridges in the plastics cycle,

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16 11 2016 Captive power in Nigeria

Partners for Innovation conducted a market study of captive power in Nigeria.

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29 09 2015 Guidelines Designing with recycled plastics

This handbook offers information about the entire process, from strategic choice to use recycled plastics to communication towards consumers, including practical design guidelines and examples.

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