Programme management
How do you coordinate and manage a complex sustainable land use program with multiple projects and many stakeholders? As a program manager, we can provide support from planning to monitoring.
Grip on a long-term trajectory
If there is one theme in which numerous parties with varying interests are involved, it is sustainable land use. A rearrangement of functions and forms of land use will often have to take place, with some functions having to be sacrificed and others being given more space. It requires a lot of good consultation to avoid unnecessary damage to existing functions and forms of land use and, where possible, to compensate for a decline in possibilities.
The transition to a more sustainable and nature-inclusive land use means a far-reaching process of change. It is a long-term process that involves many uncertainties and risks. To accelerate this transition, the European Commission, Dutch and provincial governments have created overarching multi-year programs. We have focused on managing such programs, which receive support from (European) funds such as LIFE, Horizon Europe, and SDGP.
What is our added value?
Our experts have policy, project and substantive knowledge. We are often already involved in the creation of a program. This means that we have brought the (international) parties together and prepared the application for financing in detail. As a result, we are well informed about the purpose and content of the program, the background and motivations of the partners and the potential synergies and risks. This increases the chance of a kick-start and smooth running of the program. Even if we are not directly involved in the preparation, we can quickly master the subject thanks to this experience and our substantive expertise.
As a program manager, we stand above the parties. Our main interest is to keep all parties on board and make the program a success within the set deadlines.
We can help with:
- determining the joint objectives
- planning of the program
- coordination of initiatives
- mutual communication and cooperation
- identifying, analyzing and management of risks
- the integration of agriculture, forest management, water management, nature conservation, production of green energy and spatial planning aimed at greening
- stakeholder management
- monitoring and reporting
Some examples
All4biodiversity – We provide program management for the LIFE IP program All4Biodiversity. Five provinces, two ministries, various nature and agricultural organizations and the Delta Plan Biodiversity Restoration foundation work together to increase the quality of nature reserves through greening and sustainability in the surrounding agricultural areas. We brought the parties together at an earlier stage and guided and helped develop the application for a contribution from the European LIFE IP fund.
Expert group on carbon removals – We coordinate a group of 70 experts to assist the European Commission with regulations and certification to promote the natural removal of CO₂ from the air by forests and soil.
Promoting sustainable agriculture in Niger – In Niger we are involved as a coordinator in several projects to increase the yield of agricultural products and the knowledge level of the local population, such as the production of tiger nuts and hortihub in Niger.
Curious about how we can support you? Contact Peter Karsch or Francisca Demmendal-Wit.
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