Monitoring sustainability
Sustainable products and packaging are central themes in the circular economy. How do you, as an entrepreneur or industry organization, keep track of progress so that you can make targeted choices and take (follow-up) actions to make products and the packaging range even more sustainable?
Monitoring within the circular economy
We help companies, industry organisations and suppliers by monitoring sustainability and making packaging and products more sustainable. We monitor progress and support you in further improving the proportion of recycled material, reusability and recyclability.
Monitoring of packaging and products can serve several purposes:
- Dutch companies are obliged to pay a fee to Afvalfonds Verpakkingen (Waste fund packaging) for each ton of waste they produce. They can get a reduction in the rate if they can demonstrate how large the proportion of form-retaining packaging is.
- To demonstrate that an industry is meeting its ambitions for sustainable packaging or more recycled material in products, individual companies report progress in this area to their branche organization. An example is the annual monitoring report of CBL, the Dutch food industry organization.
- Front runners who have joined the PlasticPact Nederland, are committed to ambitious targets to gradually reduce the share of plastic (waste) in packaging and products and to increase the percentage of recyclates. A roadmap has been drawn up for this. To keep track of progress, PlasticPact asks for monitoring figures.
Our approach:
Data collection
- Inventory of the product and/or packaging range
- Drawing up and implementing a monitoring plan to determine to what extent packaging and products can be reduced, reused or recycled and to fill gaps in information (systems).
- Perform a RecycleScan to analyze the recyclability of single-use household packaging based on the RecycleCheck Packaging of the Dutch knowledge institute for sustainable packaging (KIDV).
Impact analysis
We analyze packaging and products with the most enrironmenatl impact in terms of volume, recyclability and required innovations.
We advise on packaging and product adjustments to reduce weight, to improve recyclability or to reuse.
- General standards for improving packaging types (recyclability)
- Together with suppliers and retailer we determine priorities, bottlenecks and best solution for each selected packaging or product. Retailers or branch organizations can then follow up on this.
Drafting Purchasing Conditions
With the results of the collected information, we can draw up sustainable purchasing conditions for suppliers, e.gl the Standard purchasing conditions for Sustainable Packaging in the garden sector.
You might also be interested in similar services and themes:
- Life cycle analysis
- Quick scan Circularity
- Sustainable packaging
- Reusable packaging
- Single Use Plastics
We supported industry plans for sustainable packaging in twelve different sectors, including food, the out-of-home and the do-it-yourself industry. We work closely with various retailers and suppliers to make the packaging in their range more sustainable, such as Lidl and Arla. For more information, please contact Rosa Jager or Siem Haffmans.
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