Supply chain
Supply chain projects, or strategic partnerships between stakeholders involved in all life phases of a product, are an important success factor for sustainable innovation. Chain cooperation prevents a choice in one phase of a product leading to problems in another phase.
Cooperation in the supply chain
Sustainable innovation is an activity for which strategic co-operation in the supply chain is key. This means working together with suppliers and customers to provide the best possible service and experience to the users.
This cooperation ensures that all parts of a life cycle are optimally aligned with each other, leading to the most environmental benefits. For example, a choice made in the design phase of a product does not cause problems in the recycling.
Getting started with your supply chain
Our chain projects start with societal challenges and market opportunities. We initiate supply chain cooparation with market parties (such as retailers or service providers), producers (OEM) and suppliers. Partners for Innovation also leads chain projects as an independent consultant.
A few examples
- We support you in the design of a product, taking into account the entire lifespan and end of the life phase. We also help you adjust your product for recycling. View the ecodesign training courses we provide at DAF or the silicone cartridges project.
- We help you find and manage parties for setting up a good re-use line. This concerns the evaluation of the existing stock, the return logistics and storage and sale of these products. View the project we did with Vanderlande.
- We organize collaboration and new insights throughout the entire chain. For example, we provide CIRCO training courses.
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