
Climate adaption horticulture and cocoa sector in Ghana
We explored smart ways of dealing with climate change.

Climate impact cocoa pods
Farmers and environment Ivory Coast can benefit from better utilization, our study shows.

Reduction bycatch of endangered species
We set up this EU LIFE-project and submit the application.

Nature-based CO2-storage in plants and soil
We support 70 experts that assist the EC with certification.

We developed this LIFE-project opgezet, supported the applicaton and manage this project.

Improving tiger nut production in Niger
Tiger nuts are protein rich and thrive well on Niger’s soil.

Useful application of cocoa residues
More yield and better quality thanks to biogas

Biomass potential in Côte d’Ivoire
We studied the potential of cashew, cassava, cocoa, palm oil, and rubber.

Biogas policy review Cambodia
We focused on quality of technology and services.

Valorising solid biomass in South Africa
Joint effort to create jobs and value from woody biomass in South Africa

Agroforestry Senegal
Partners for Innovation and Oxfam Senegal worked closely together to …

Ministry of Economic Affairs – LIFE subsidy
LIFE is the European Union’s subsidy program for projects focused …

AgriProFocus Niger
As coordinator of the AgriProFocus network in Niger we set …

Monitoring LIFE subsidy
LIFE is the European Union’s subsidy program for projects focused …
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