E-course Circularity South Africa’s waste sector

E-course Circularity South Africa’s waste sector
less landfill and more jobes
Brundtland (Ecometrix Africa) and Partners for Innovation have developed an online course for the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) and the Department of Environmental Affairs on the opportunities to implement circular economy principles in South Africa’s waste sector. The e-learning course is freely available for everyone.
Circular economy strategies can provide critical sustainability benefits to emerging economies including a reduction in emissions, creation of jobs, and reduced dependency on virgin resources and hazardous landfills.
The goal of the course ‘Circular Economy for the Waste Sector in South Africa’ is to raise awareness and strengthen the human resource capacities of key stakeholders in South Africa when it comes to a circular economy. During the course, participants will learn about key concepts, opportunities and tools that can be applied to enable circularity in the waste sector.
The free online course is presented in three parts:
• An introduction to circular economy
• Circular opportunities in the South African Waste Sector
• Policy considerations for an enabling environment
Participants can get a certificate when completing this course with success.
The e-learning course is developed by Jan Willem Timmer and Josh Williams of Brundtland and Siem Haffmans and Flora Poppelaars of Partners for Innovation. They also act as trainers of this e-learning course.
For more information, please contact Siem Haffmans en Flora Poppelaars.

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