Modern energy solutions by women for women in Kenia

In Kenya, 90% of households lack access to modern energy and clean cooking services. Women in rural areas, who heavily rely on traditional sources of fuel to meet cooking and heating needs, are especially negatively impacted. With help of the GET.invest Finance Catalyst, Kenian startup Bidhaa Sasa received financial support to make modern energy solutions accessible and affordable for rural areas.
Bidhaa Sasa (“Products Now” in Swahili) aims to pave the way for off-grid energy access and other household and farm goods in rural areas. The Kenyan start-up combines last-mile distribution with in-house credit in a one-stop shop for customers, offering a wide range of products including solar lamps and systems, efficient cookstoves, LPG kits and farm equipment that can improve incomes and standards of living.
Women smallholder farmers
Bidhaa Sasa approached the GET.invest Finance Catalyst in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic. The GET.invest Finance Catalyst joined the start-up in reflecting on new channels, marketing materials and products, particularly targeting women smallholder farmers in need of products to support the agricultural value chain.
Together with the Finance Catalyst advisors, who have introduced the company to several impact financiers, Bidhaa Sasa received a USD200k grant from the REACT Kenya Relief Fund – launched by AECF with financial backing from Sweden.
picture: Bidhaa Sasa
More information
GET.invest helps renewable energy businesses and project developers access finance in Sub-Saharan Africa and the Carraiben. Our advisors have worked with innovative businesses and projects of different sizes, technologies and business models. One thing they all have in common is driving clean energy access where it is needed most.
The program is supported by the European Union, Germany, Sweden, the Netherlands and Austria. Partners for Innovation implements the Finance Catalyst service on behalf of GET.Invest.
Please contact Bregje Drion or Peter Vissers for more information about the GET.invest Finance Catalyst program
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