GET.invest FC visits clean energy projects in Burundi
With the aim of getting to know new clean energy projects and companies and other actors in the renewables market, three of GET.invest Finance Catalyst Advisors spent this week in Burundi, supporting the work of the recently launched country window.
Together with the Burundi country window coordinator, Bregje Drion, Daphne Pit and Jeannetta Craigwell-Graham visited SHINE PAYG and Nile Energy, two Solar Home System distributors, and KTF Concept, a clean cookstove business.
The country window
Burundi has set itself the target to increase the national rate of access to electricity to 30% by 2030. Achieving these results requires the development of the renewable energy sector, particularly solar and hydroelectric. It is within this framework that in 2019 the European Union, in consultation with Burundian authorities in the energy sector, has committed funds to facilitate the development of energy projects, supported by the private sector.
As part of the commitment, GET.invest Burundi was officially launched in October 2021. It builds on the services of the broader GET.invest programme to unlock financing for sustainable energy projects and businesses, and tailors them to the national context. GET.invest Burundi works closely with the EU-funded impact investment facility EDFI ElectriFI.
Click here to read the story of GigaWatt in Burundi, that was supported by the GET.invest Finance Catalyst team.
GET.invest Finance Catalyst
GET.invest helps renewable energy businesses and project developers access finance in Sub-Saharan Africa and the Carraiben. Our advisors have worked with innovative businesses and projects of different sizes, technologies and business models. One thing they all have in common is driving clean energy access where it is needed most.
The program is supported by the European Union, Germany, Sweden, the Netherlands and Austria. Partners for Innovation implements the Finance Catalyst service on behalf of GET.Invest.
Please contact Peter Vissers for more information about the GET.invest Finance Catalyst program
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