Peatlands blog 2: Power2Peatlands
Today is the kick-off of the Power to the Peatlands conference hashtag#Power2Peatlands in Antwerp, Belgium. This last gathering for the Interreg North-West Europe project Care-Peat will mark the continuation and beginning of new cooperative peatland projects throughout Europe.
Jasmijn Sybenga
With over 550 delegates representing scientists, site managers, farmers, entrepreneurs, NGOs and decision makers this will be the largest conference of peatland experts ever held!
All these people together show that we shouldn’t ignore the importance of our peatlands. Undrained, preserved peatlands can store up to 30 times more carbon than healthy rainforests. In the European Union however it is on average that more than 50% of the peatland area is in a drained state and peatlands in a drained state emit more than double the GHG produced by air travel.
It is therefore of utmost importance that undrained peatlands be preserved and that drained peatlands are being restored in order to reach worldwide climate, soil health, water and biodiversity goals.
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