DAF Trucks – Ecodesign training

DAF Trucks – Ecodesign training
DAF Trucks is one of the leading truck producers in Europe. They continuously work on reducing the environmental impact of its products and activities. Since 2007 Partners for Innovation has been offering a practical Ecodesign training for their engineers and designers.
Ecodesign training
Ecodesign stands for integrating environmental aspects in the design of a product or process. We developed a DAF Ecodesign tool to measure and compare the environmental impact and total cost of ownership of current DAF components and new concepts. The impact is calculated over the total life cycle: materials, production processes, the use phase and end-of-life. The Ecodesign LCA tool is an integrated part of the development process.
At the end of the training Ron Borsboom, director Product Development, presents the Ecodesign Award. The participants have worked out and submitted an Ecodesign case from their daily practice.
Since 2007 we have trained more than 200 engineers of DAF trucks to apply Ecodesign tools through practical exercises. The training has delivered several implemented products and components for the new Euro6 truck, resulting in substantial reduction of the environmental impact and cost savings.
Contact Siem Haffmans for more information.
With this project we contribute to the following Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations:

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