Certification of renewable fuels


Certification of renewable fuels

Comply with sustainability requirements

Companies and governments are looking for alternatives for fossil fuels. The demand for renewable fuels is therefore increasing. At the same time, legal requirements regarding sustainability are becoming increasingly strict. Since 2013 we have been working together with Control Union Certifications on the certification of renewable fuels for the American market.

Renewable Fuel Standard: certification of renewable fuels

The Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS2) program originates from the United States and aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by strengthening the renewable fuel industry. The program is part of the American Energy Act from 2005 and was expanded in 2007 under the Energy Independence and Security Act.

European biofuel producers need to be certified by US EPA for exporting biofuel to the US market though an Engineering Review. As an independent third party, Partners for Innovation checks that the European facilities can meet the requirements under 40 CFR 80 subpart M. Our professional engineer goes through an on-site visit, a documentation review and through compliance checks. He reports his findings to CUC and US EPA. Once the producer is certified, Partners for Innovation can support them with a Quality Assurance Plan when the export occurs. Look here for more content information about the Renewable Fuel Standard Program of US EPA.

Since 2013 we have been working together with Control Union Certifications on the certification of renewable fuels for the American market. Since the start of the cooperation, we have conducted over 70 audits in Europe and Asia

For more information, please contact Martin Ganet.

With this project we contribute to the following Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations:


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Peter Vissers +31 6 4260 9354