Action Plan Increasing the use of recycled plastics

Action Plan Increasing the use of recycled plastics
15 urgent actions
The Action Plan Increasing the use of recycled plastics aims to secure the coherence between the many initiatives, and at the same time drives forward the necessary additional actions towards achieving a circular plastic chain. The Action Plan was drafted by Partners for Innovation and the team of sector represenatives.
The Action Plan is reflecting the objective formulated in the “Transition Agenda Plastics”. In line with the final objective in 2050, this means the following intermediate objective: using 50% circular raw materials in 2030, in other words using 1,000 ktonnes use of recycled plastics, of which 750 ktonnes from mechanical recycling and 250 ktonnes from chemical recycling. In addition, this transition agenda includes a target of 370 ktonnes for bio-based raw materials by 2030. A separate action plan has been drawn up for biobased plastics.
All stakeholders in the chain will have to play an active role: manufacturers of plastic products, brand owners to users, collectors, sorters and suppliers of recycled plastics, knowledge institutions as well as the government. The application of recycled plastics can improve the profile and image of plastics, as a circular material.
The package of actions is divided into four categories:
- Promoting the demand for recycled plastics
- Developing the supply of recycled plastics
- Chain cooperation to better match supply and demand
- Market conditions and economic incentive
The Action Plan was drafted by Partners for Innovation and the team of initiators, under the direction of the Plastics Transition Team and with input from a large group of companies in the plastics chain, both from the supply and the demand side, NGOs, knowledge institutions and governments.
For more information, please contact Siem Haffmans.
With this project we contribute to the following Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations:

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