8 October 2024

Circular electronics start with designers

Video Circulaire elektronica

Designers are crucial to extending the lifespan of electrical and electronic devices. This is necessary to keep the mountain of e-waste within limits and to use scarce raw materials more economically. A video that Partners for Innovation developed together with Philips and TU Delft on behalf of Rijkswaterstaat for the knowledge platform Circonnect succinctly explains why and how designers can help.

The  video “What can designers do for circular electrical and electronic devices” is a follow-up to the open online course ‘Designing Electronics for Recycling in a Circular Economy’. In this MOOC-course, designers, engineers and decision-makers in the EEA industry receive support for the transition to a circular economy.

The recordings made for this are now being used to convince designers of the urgency of the problems with EEA and to encourage them to switch to circular solutions. The speakers are Mireille Reijme of Rijkswaterstaat, Lotte Fonteijne of Philips en Bas Flipsen of the TU Delft. A striking example is the electric toothbrush, which is not exactly designed to be used by consumers for as long as possible. This can be done differently, as the video shows.

Watch the video.

Please contact Flora Poppelaars for more information.

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Flora Poppelaars +31 (0)6 1432 9888