Anjo van Toorn

Strategic consultant


I am committed to a just and sustainable world – locally and globally,as reflected in the UN Sustainable Development Goals

Anjo van Toorn



Anjo van Toorn is strategy and business developer at the Renewable Energy Team. In his viewa sustainable world  can be achieved only through joint efforts and close cooperation between government, private sector and civil society with a focus on citizens.
During his career, Anjo worked for Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Oxfam, Danish Refugee Council, SNV and IDH in Africa, Asia and Eastern Europe. He has  been based in Malaysia, Russia, Bangladesh and Ghana. For these organizations, he  had expert, leadership and governance roles. Anjo worked on a variety of themes, including sustainable energy and food systems. In addition, he worked on governance, private sector development, civil society strengthening and citizens participation.

Anjo’s educational background is Public Administration with a specialization in international relations. He joined the Senior Executive Programme with TIAS/School for Business and Society.
