Products that Flow – English edition
‘Products that Flow’, circular business models and design strategies for fast-moving consumer goods.
On the 4th of October 2018 the book ‘Products that Flow’ by Siem Haffmans is launched at the InnovatieExpo in Rotterdam. The first copy was presented to the Dutch Secretary of State Mrs. Stientje van Veldhoven.
PRODUCTS THAT FLOW is an unusual book about common things that surround us every day. Fast-moving consumer goods, such as food, packaging, disposables, fashion, cheap gifts and gadgets. How can we deal with this huge amount of products in a more sustainable way? Our main challenge is to slow down and make our products last longer. Than we have to organize the flow and design our products in such a way that they can be easily transported and recycled or to render it harmless.
This book offers a wide range of practical examples and points different ways to managing the flows that currently often are out of control. It is a field of concern that many share and for that reason is destined to turn into fertile soil for improvement.
‘Products that Flow’ is a source of inspiration for designers, business developers, marketeers and policy makers.
About the authors
Siem Haffmans is industrial designer and managing partner at Partners for Innovation. He has more than 25 years of experience with working on sustainable innovation and circular economy projects. This book emerged from an creative cooperation with researcher Marjolein van Gelder, writer Ed van Hinte and Yvo Zijlstra, graphic designer.
Buy on Amazon: Products that Flow
Autors: Siem Haffmans, Marjolein van Gelder, Ed van Hinte en Yvo Zijlstra
128 pages
25.5 x 20 cm
ISBN 978 90 6369 498 2
Price: € 29,90
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