Sustainable packaging for Lidl


Sustainable packaging for Lidl

Lidl  is strongly committed to sustainability. In addition to the major steps they are making in making their assortment more sustainable, Lidl also wants to package its products more sustainably. The supermarket has big ambitions: by 2025, 20% less plastic must be used for packaging products, more recycled plastic will be used and all packaging will be recyclable as far as technically feasible. In doing so, Lidl goes one step further than the ambitions of the Dutch Central Food Agency (CBL).

Advice for more sustainable packaging

There are thousands of products in supermarkets with the most diverse packaging. Varying from cheese and sauces to bread and cleaning products. Products packaged in plastic, paper, cardboard, metal or a combination thereof. In order to achieve the targets of 20% less plastic packaging, Lidl has asked Partners for Innovation to take a closer look at a number of packaging materials.

For each unique packaging, we advise on the options for making the packaging more sustainable: is the packaging necessary, is it recyclable, can it be done with less material, is there a more sustainable alternative available? In coordination with the suppliers of the products, we provide each packaging with an appropriate and sustainable advice. You can  already see the first results in the supermarket.

More information

We are proud that we can use our expertise for a supermarket like Lidl that is serious about sustainability. For more information, please contact  Jannes Nelissen. Are you curious how we can help you with realising more sustainable packaging? Visit our sustainable packaging page or contact Siem Haffmans.

With this project we contribute to the following Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations:





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Contact us!

Jannes Nelissen +31 (0)6 3830 8578