


Waste processor SUEZ saw many paper coffee cups end up in the waste paper stream. The cups are often dirty and thereby disrupt the stream of waste paper. As an alternative, SUEZ developed the Cup2Paper system, which has a significant lower environmental impact.

Cup2paper: the circular disposable cup

The Cup2paper system consists of paper coffee cups with an organic PLA-coating. SUEZ collects these separately and recycles the cups together with the waste paper into new paper. Partners for Innovation and IVAM carried out a LCA quickscan of the Cup2paper system.

Because the chain of the system is closed, SUEZ knows exactly which material is available for recycling. The environmental impact of the system over the entire life cycle is considerably lower than the impact of existing coffee cups. This is also the case when the cups are collected and recycled or incinerated with energy recovery.

SUEZ neutralises the CO2 emissions caused by production and transport, and the cups are therefore 100% CO2 neutral. The FSC certified process guarantees sustainability in the entire paper chain.

Encouraging reuse

The design of the cup contributes to the sustainable character. Employees can put their name on the back and indicate whether they drink coffee or tea. A simple and attractive way to stimulate reuse and reduce consumption. The packaging of Cup2paper also serves as a collecting display and is recycled in its entirety.

With this project we contribute to the following Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations:


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know more?
Contact us!

Siem Haffmans +31 (0)6 2157 4702