Horti-hub to empower agripreneurs and farmers in Niger
With support of the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) and the Dutch Ambassy in Niamey, a cluster of four Dutch companies will implement the Horti-hub program in Niger. The goals of this 3-year program are to ensure more and well-trained young agricultural entrepreneurs, transfer knowledge to local farmers to improve yields and open the market for Dutch companies. Partners for Innovation Niger will support this cluster with recruitment, training, a market study and making land available for training and experimental purposes.
Four Dutch companies, aQysta, VDS Acampo (Holland Green Tech), Rivulis and Synergos Communicatie joined forces to implement the Horti-hub program in Niger. The cluster will start with establishing the physical place and the horticulture experiment field, and recruiting staff for the hub. A market study will provide insight into the actual state and the needs of the sector. In addition, a combination of a theoretical and practical comprehensive training program for agricultural entrepreneurs will be prepared and executed. This includes farmer field days, experiments and demonstration days. Some of the courses will also be made available to local farmers to improve their business.
Young agripreneurs
After three years, 175 young people will leave the horti-hub as agripreneurs, of whom at least 50% women. Furthermore, 325 farmers will have acquired new knowledge and techniques. After this period of financial support, is it the intention that enough ways have been found to fund the hub and enough means for continuation of the services.
Partners for Innovation Niger supports this project. For more information about this or oor other projects in Niger, please contact Rakiatou Gazibo or Peter Karsch.
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