14 06 2023

Knowledge of Design Week

kodwOn June 14 and 15,  the Hong Kong Design Centre, is organising Knowledge of Design Week (KODW),  The partner country this year is the Netherlands and The power of Design is the central theme. Siem Haffmans will be present as a panel speaker and workshop leader.

KODW is a multidisciplinary platform for design, innovations and brands. KODW 2023 will resume as a full-on physical event with a strong emphasis on networking and creative exchange.

Design can power positive change with the ability to drive sustainable development and social impact. At this  international design conference, innovators and pioneers from diverse industries  are brought together to showcase their insights on harnessing the power of responsible and circular design to create eco-conscious solutions that change living patterns and pave the way towards a more sustainable and resilient future.

On june 15 Siem Haffmans will lead a Workshop on Circular Product Design & Packaging. In addition, he will join a panel discussion about Closing the loop – creating new business values.

Click here for more information.

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Siem Haffmans +31 (0)6 2157 4702